Follow these good maintenance practices and inspect your new home on a regular basis to avoid problems.
- Air Conditioner: Avoid excessive temperature changes when programming your thermostat. Unlike your furnace, an air conditioner may require several hours to reach the desired temperature. Air conditioners also work to keep relative humidity levels under control.
- Air Filters: Clean or replace air filters in HRV, furnace, hoodfan (do monthly or as needed)
- Air Vents: Ensure indoor air vents (HRV & forced air furnace supplies & returns) are clean and not blocked by dust, furnishings, drapes, etc. Air supply vents in the basement can be closed if you have an AC.
- Dehumidifier: A properly sized dehumidifier is essential. Install it in the basement to remove excess moisture. Set it to maintain a relative humidity level below 50% at all times.
- Doors: Whenever possible, leave bedroom doors open to allow for better air circulation.
- Hardwood Flooring: Summer is a critical time of year to closely monitor your indoor relative humidity with a suitable hygrometer. If the air is too humid, your floor will absorb too much of that moisture. A high wood moisture content will damage your floor, leading to cupping, cracking, squeaks, and gaps.
- Humidifier: Turn off and clean humidifier and close humidifier damper, if you have a humidifier.
- Thermostat: Switch it to ‘cool’ mode. Set the fan to ‘on’ mode for better air circulation throughout the house. If you have an air conditioner, set temperature to 23°C or warmer to save on energy.
- Window Coverings: Keeping blinds and curtains closed during daytime will help to keep the house cooler.
- Windows: Avoid opening windows on hot humid days. Excessive moisture may damage your hardwood floor and other wood components
- Air Conditioner: Ensure the AC is not blocked by debris, vegetation, nests, etc.
- Attic Vents: Ensure roof louvers, vents and soffits are not blocked. Ventilation is a critical factor in roof durability – air must be able to move through the attic. Check for damaged areas, nests, trees or vines blocking openings, etc.
- Caulking: Check for cracked or loose exterior caulking and repair as needed
- Driveways: Check for crack and apply sealer as needed. Avoid damage to your driveway from pointed objects..
- Decks & Interlock: Check exterior steps and interlock paths. Readjust, if settled or unstable.
- Electric Plug Outlets: GFCI plugs may trip. A reset button is one outside plug will reset all outside plugs.
- Grading: Check for ground settling at foundation. You may need to build up with top soil and sod to ensure rainwater flows away from your foundation wall in all areas.
- Grass: Apply lawn fertilizer and water regularly for a better looking yard with fewer weeds.
- Meters: Ensure gas & hydro meters are not blocked by debris, vegetation, etc.
- Wall Vents: Ensure outdoor air vents (exhausts, intakes, dryer, HRV, furnace, hot water, hood fan) are not blocked by debris, vegetation, nests, etc.
- Window Wells: Remove debris, leaves, garden hoses from window wells to allow for proper drainage.
- Windows: Clean windows, screens and hardware. Ensure windows operate smoothly.